Our June Tuesday mtg
It was sooooooo wonderful to see everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful time. I can not tell ya how much I look forward to getting away from work and seeing you all. I can not believe i have to wait a whole month just to see you all again. Well I sure hope you all got something out of this months mtg. I love our question this month with how many groups you belong too. We all found out it was not me that was the over achiever this time. but our own Rose Ann. giggle giggle. Yahhhh. I was also thrilled to know that even though we where not suppose to bring any show and tell. I just wanted to give my heart felt thanks to all you ladies that help me out with the Quilts of Valor bindings. I had finished up 3 of them from the HMQS show and then I was glad to be able to share with you all the month blocks that we all had been working on so much last year is mad in to a quilt for my guest room. Lynda F. then show off her 60 degree blocks that we all where tough how to make at Mays mtg by Jill...