Regular Tuesday Mtg
Fall is in the air and what a wonderful meeting we had. Sorry we did not get anything loaded last month but going to make up for it now. You may click on image to enlarge . Suzanne shared with us all the upcoming event of Utah Quilt Guild Annual Meeting at Quilt Fest. We are postponing our ideas for doing any future quilts for Syracuse until next year. 3 of us are doing the Utah quilt guilds mystery quilt. As well as all the fabric that can still be used for donation quilts for charity. As will as passing out instructions on our next block for our sampler. Our Syracuse Heritage quilt took best in division at the Davis county fair. (You may view below in previous blog entries.) Show and tell - I must say WONDERFUL job, (well done) Suzanne started us off with what she received for the Utah state round robin blocks. She had assorted sizes of star blocks. Stormy donated Orphan blocks, shoing us her green dyed fabrics and her Christmas quilt. Tori showed off her blouse she made from fabr...