
Showing posts from 2009

Regular Tuesday Mtg

Fall is in the air and what a wonderful meeting we had. Sorry we did not get anything loaded last month but going to make up for it now. You may click on image to enlarge . Suzanne shared with us all the upcoming event of Utah Quilt Guild Annual Meeting at Quilt Fest. We are postponing our ideas for doing any future quilts for Syracuse until next year. 3 of us are doing the Utah quilt guilds mystery quilt. As well as all the fabric that can still be used for donation quilts for charity. As will as passing out instructions on our next block for our sampler. Our Syracuse Heritage quilt took best in division at the Davis county fair. (You may view below in previous blog entries.) Show and tell - I must say WONDERFUL job, (well done) Suzanne started us off with what she received for the Utah state round robin blocks. She had assorted sizes of star blocks. Stormy donated Orphan blocks, shoing us her green dyed fabrics and her Christmas quilt. Tori showed off her blouse she made from fabr


Starting in Aug we will be holding a evening get together on the 3rd Monday of every month from 6-8pm at the community center, same room. That means our first one will be Aug 17th Invite your firend to come. This does not replace our Regular Tuesday meeting. This is just a very informal get together, sew in, or visit with your quilting friends. I'm looking forward in getting out of the house and sharing with ladies that do not get that chance to be apart of us due to our Regular Tuesday day mtg. Hope to see you there. Diane

July meeting

Wow, What another fabulous meeting. Things we shared, be sides show and tell We collected Quilts of Valor signature blocks. They are coming by mail and know we are over the hundred mark, at lest 2 or 3 quilts. I can not wait to start working them. We decided to open up our Syracuse Quilt Guild to an additional meeting from 6-8 pm. Giving more quilting gals a chance to meet and greet, gather a sew. This is just an extension of our regular meeting and is in no way replacing our Tuesday mtg. Diane will host it and pass on any information to share with members and guest. We nixed the idea of doing Festival of Trees for charity project. But encourage all those that still want to donate a quilt to this worthy cause for Primary Children’s Hospital. Fabric swap will continue on to next month as well as the block party samples we are getting each month. Bring your UFOs and orphan blocks you want to donate to Quilt Fest, we will discus the way to put one together. HAPPY QUILTING and now our show

June Quilt Challenge

For those of you who missed our June Luncheon, you missed a great meeting, as well as a yummy luncheon. Not only do we have great quilters, we have great cooks too! We have a couple of show n' tell quilts... Kathey finished her 9-patch project and it looks wonderful! Glory showed a QOV quilt she had quilted...what a great donation! Thank you, Diane for posting a photo of our group quilt that was donated to Syracuse City. Make sure to get your raffle tickets during Heritage Days! The challenge quilts were absolutely wonderful. We've got some truly creative ladies! The winners in the Non-Beginner group: 1st:Suzanne 2 nd : Sandy 3rd: Connie In our Beginner Group: 1st: Cathi If you missed the meeting, we also introduced a new project. We will be working on a sampler quilt made up of 15 inch blocks over the next year. June's block is call "Sister's Choice". We have plenty of pattern instructions for anyone who would like to join in on this skill building pr

Mtg 9 June 2009

I sure hope you all enjoyed our meeting. Such fun getting to see what everyone create for the Summer challenge. CONGRATs to all our winners. Hope Suzanne load the pictures before she goes on her trip. Lunch was so nice to sit and gab with everyone. Looking forward to our blocks each month. Syracuse Community Center Accepted the quilt and will display it there until the Saturday the 27 at the park for Heritege Days. Tickets are 1 for $2 and 3 for $5. Thanks again ladies. click on to enlarge Some other things to keep on the back burner.... Look to your left for the other activeties and next month mtg info. site for Quilts Across America this week.

Quilt of Valor Project

Quilt of Valor Signature Blocks These blocks are easy to do and need to be returned in July. Suggest making a few so that you can call family and friends and tell them about this worth project. Ask them for a quote. And make one for them with their statement, name and where they are from. What you will need beside the basic sewing stuff, machine or hand, thread, iron or press, cutting board, quilting marking or pen, ect… 6 ½” Square White piece of fabric 3 ¾” Square 1 each Red and Blue fabric 2” x 6” piece of freezer paper (used for stabilizing diagonally while writing on fabric) Pencil in a light line on back of red and blue blocks diagonally Lay red and blue blocks face down on opposite corners. Sew diagonally on line. Cut or trim away ¼” from line. Iron or press out. Being gentle to not stretch or pull fabric. Iron Lay freezer paper to back side or block. Shinny side to fabric. Please use fabric pen to write message with RED corner at the top 1 or 2 line message, Name of you or you

Mtg 12 May 2009

What a wonderful meeting we had. I hope you all share with me a BIG thanks to Suzanne for sharing her ideas about our use and storage scraps. It was all so wonderful that I am diffenatly going to put some of those ideas in to use. I love the strips and hanging idea as well as the zip lock bag of differant size sq. Thanks again Suzanne for also showing us your wonderful use of some of those scraps. I'm sorry I did not get my camera out fast enough to take pictures of everones show and tell. I was to busy ow and ahing myself or your achivements. Thanks gals for letting me get a group picture of our bags from last month meeting.

Syracuse Heritage Quilt Blocks

Hay all, I'm back! I have to say how impressed I was with the wonderfull block you all made out of the coral/samon fabric. I can not wait to get started but found out that there where a few of you that did not get your turned in. So I'm giving you all a chance to get with me and let me know if you still have one to get to me. I'm still playing catch up for a wonderful trip and so I will not have to top done by mtg. to show you all. This give you all one last chance not to forget them. Then ist off to the races for me to get it completed and quilt by our June Lunchen/potluck. Diane

March Meeting

We had a great March meeting today at the Community/Recreation Center. Just some of the show n' tell..... Glory showed a quilt she made for her granddaughter. She also made a splash with her red sweater shirt she made over into a lined jacket. I think maybe we need to have her teach us her jacket pattern in a future class. Connie showed a beautiful quilt she and a quilting friend made for a returning soldier in their neighborhood. Quilters are some of the most thoughtful and generous people! Kathy (hiding behind her quilt) showed one of her finished UFO's she began last year. Good job! Our March guest speaker was Jen Alexander from Quilt Top Stop , her home machine quilting business in Bountiful. She presented a great lecture on different types and uses for batting in our quilting projects. I know everyone learned something new to try in the future. Remember: 1.Be working on your June challenge quilt to be judged during our June Luncheon...theme- "Summer".

Utah Quilt Guild Mystery 2009

These are Dianes The fabric, left to right-background, dark, medium, and light for Suzanne The lower part of the half squares for February & the rectangle for March Looking forward to the next instructions Suzanne

Our new Group Blog

Welcome all readers to the first post of the Syracuse Utah Quilters group blog. We have such a great time in our little part of Utah (USA) that we decided that this year we would explore the internet quilting World. This blog is a place for us to post group info, photo's and find out what other quilters are doing. We are happy for any comments by our members, as well as the blogging World...positive comments, that is!