Another successful, interesting and educational quilt meeting was held on May 14th.

One of newest members, Becky, was our birthday girl of the month.

Several of the members gave some informative information, such as Susan gave us inputs about squaring up quilt tops.  She also told us about different apps and computer programs to investigate, especially to look for block ideas.  I, myself, passed around for everyone to see what TrueCut Quilting Rulers look like since many had never seen them before.   Belinda gave us some tips she had researched about squaring up a quilt block.

A sign up sheet was passed around for our annual potluck in June.  Should be another wonderful day.

We had two guest speakers, Marlene Lewellyn from "My Heritage Fabrics" (who is located in the same building as Rainbow Gardens in Ogden) and Tara Baca (a long arm quilter).  They both gave us their history with quilting, trunk show, and any suggestions/tips about quilting.  Marlene also showed us the differences you can see and feel between different qualities of fabric.  Tara told us about how to have your quilt, backing and batting ready for a machine quilter.

As for my pictures I am posting, I took lots of pictures at the meeting but my digital and phone camera don't always succeed in taking good, crisp pictures.  I am posting the best of the bunch.  Also, again, if I have misnamed someone, I am trully sorry.  Trying to take pictures and notes of each picture at the same time during the meeting can get to be a little interesting for me.  And as for my memory ... well that is not a thing to count on.  LOL

Our President started the meeting with announcments

Our newest member and birthday girl of the
 month, Becky.  She showed us the bag she
 made and loves.  

One of Becky's quilts during Show & Tell

Another of Becky's quilts.  If memory serves
 me correctly, I believe it was a quilt her
 grandmother made.  I hope I remember
 that correctly.  

Susan showing us some Apps about quilting on her tablet

Marlene Lewellyn ("My Heritage Fabrics")
giving us a truck show.  

Another of Marlene's quilts.  

Marlene showing a Dresden quilt.  Someday I hope to
make one myself.  Someday ... 

If memory serves me, Marlene told us that she made this
quilt for a granddaughter who didn't care for it.  So
 Marlene kept it in her store on display, but then one
 day her granddaughter happened to feel it and
 said that it felt fine and then liked it.  Probably because
 the backing was Minky fabric.  Who doesn't
like the feel of Minky?

Everyone at the meeting was very awed by Marlene's
quilt made is SILK!

Tara starting her trunk show.

I am a lover of whimsical quilts, so Tara's quilts really
were so cute to me.

A quilt with dogs on it!!!  How FUN!!!

Another of Tara's quilt.  I believe our President, Belinda,
 said that she is in the process of making this quilt too.

Tara commented that she has a lot of
holiday quilts.  That's alright by me.
I LOVE the fall colors and fall quilts.
What better time to use a quilt?

Which Witch?  I don't know.  I like it all.

Ok, this one is to life like to me.
I really think these pumpkins are
laughing at me!

I haven't made a king size quilt in a long time and I
admire anyone that does.  All that fabric on your lap
 trying to sew that last piece in is tiring and HEAVY.  

Pauline showing her blocks to be included
 in the quilt we are making for Festival of
Trees.  I can't wait to see the finished
product.  It is going to be beautiful.    

Chris showing a quilt during Show & Tell. 

Carol showing us her quilt during Show & Tell.
(I hope I have her name correct.)

Jeanette showing us a quilt.  I have got to get my act
together and make a really hard quilt.  And
 this quilt looked real hard.  

And our shining star!  Marsha showing the quilt she
 won 1st place in the Edge to Edge category
 at HMQS.  We are SO proud of her!!!   

Rebecca, a guest for a day, showed a cute little quilt
 she made and embroidered.  Come back and join us again!

Lastly, Linda, showing us a quilt she made from the same
pattern (disappearing 4 patch) several members
made/donated in the beginning of the year for
charity quilting.


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June 14th Quilt Guild Meeting