The end of our 2013 quilt year is here.  I believe we had a very good year with tons of fun, learned lots and made many beautiful quilts for charity.  With that said, we ended the year with a great luncheon … even if the place that was reserved for us to attend, overbooked the room.  I think we did very good job on recovering and had a fun time anyways at our faithful room at the Syracuse Community Center.  Belinda did a great job decorating and Yvonne was awesome on getting food together for us all.  And it was a great test of my old military skills on notifying everyone of the change of place.  We ALL came together and had a GREAT time!!!

Lastly … I have enjoyed maintaining the blog this year.  I think many people have an enjoyed it.  I am so happy for that.  But it is time I turn over the reins to Becky, and I think she is going to have as much fun with it as I did.  As for the future … I will try my best to be good president but that will be easy because I have such superior members.  : )

Enjoy the pictures of our Christmas luncheon and see you in January!!!

Settling in to some good food.  I loved the punch.
Need to get that recipe!!

Lots of good conversation going on.

Sometimes it is hard for me to take pictures because
 I want to join in on the conversations.  : )

Ok I apology right now if I have the name wrong,
but I love this sweet, happy women and I am so bad
 at names.  (I so will get better when President this
 coming year, I hope. LOL)  But I believe it to be,
Mardell, and she won the grand prize of a quilt at
our luncheon. 

Belinda did such a beautiful job making the prize quilt.
She even put all our names for the guild on
the back.  

Pauline got to pull the name of the next winner,
of a wall size/table top quilt.  

Our sweet Yvonne, won a prize and she was as cute
as could be about winning.  

Chris won one of the two wall size quilts. 

And here is Chris as happy as can be about be a winner.  

Another happy winner, Kathy,
of a wall size quilt. 

Then after the big prizes were won, we moved on to our
gift time.  Each of us brought in a gift under $10.  They
were put on a table with no names.  Then we could pick
 out a gift.  Here is sweet Linda showing us
what gift she received.  

Our creative, Kathy, with her gift.  

Our sweet, Maggie, and her gift.

Our busy, busy, busy,
Diane picking our her gift. 

Diane investigating what goods she got.  

Our lively, Chris, with her gift.  

Our next lively, Kathy, and her gift.

Our very caring, Suzanne, looking to see what her gift is.  

Our very pleasant and new Vice President,
 Jeanette, with her gift.  

Our precious, Olivia, showing her gift of mugs.  

Yes, Pauline, you may have that gift.

Our beloved, Pauline, entertaining us with
figuring our her gift.  : )

Becky, our new Treasurer/Secretary,
with her gift

I am drawing a blank.  I am SO sorry.  I can not remember
this fun, happy woman.  She will just have to write it
on my hand at January's meeting.  

And me, Nancy!!!  LOL they took my phone
and said I needed to finally have my picture
 taken.  Oh dear, thank God I
didn't break the camera.  

Again, our fun Mardell, and her gift of an
 apron.  How lovely!! 

Our camera shy, Connie.
Yup, I got a picture.  : )

Connie peeking into her gift bag.  

Our very talent, Marsha, with new scissors.
Everyone can always use more scissors.  

Our business woman, Susan, looking over her gift.

Here is another name I have got to learn.  I am very sorry,
 but here is a fabulous quilter showing us her pin
cushion ice cream cone.  It was an great gift.

Our hard working, Yvonne!!!  Thanks for getting our food!!

Lastly … our great outgoing President, Belinda.
Yes dear, you can open your present now.  : )

At the end of our luncheon, Diane wanted
to share with us a gift she had received
from a co-worker.  He gave her a book
about quilts and the Civil War.  She holds
 a big interest in that subject.  She told
 us a one of the VERY fascinating stories
 in the book.  The title of the book
is, "The Civil War Diary Quilt".   


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