Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch December 9, 2014

The Syracuse Quilt Guild met for a Christmas lunch at Marie Callendar's where they shared conversation, gifts and lots of fun.  It was so good to see so many come out during this busy time of year.

Nancy, 2014 President and Jeannette, incoming 2015 President 

Mardell loves her gift

So good to see Pauline since she moved to Logan

Carol and Belinda checking out such a cute gift

Barbara always smiling

Too much fun with this red white and blue Kathy
Ready for the Red Hat Society

Lynda checks out a nice charm pack

Jeannette and Maggie checking out Yvonne's gift

Diane looking over her gift

Way to go Pam, a new rotary cutter

Rose Ann, Marsha and Susan


A gift certificate for Susan

Kathey's darling suckers made from fat quarters, so cute
Nancy was thrilled with her Missouri Star Quilt Block books

Belinda, last again, maybe next year

Jeannette's cute pin cushion made from a salt shaker (button holder)

What a fun afternoon of sharing, friendship and food.  Syracuse Quilt Guild knows how to have a good time.


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