January 12, 2016

Resolutions No!  Inspiration YES

What a wonderful way to start the new year with so many beautiful quilts and friends getting together to share their tips and quilts.  Our President Jeanette got us off to a great start introducing some new ideas and projects for the guild in 2016.  To start the year she shared a sweet Lantern Block  done in Oriental Prints to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Karen gave another great Quilters Lesson on everything you ever wanted to know about needles.  It was a great lesson emphasizing that you want to pair the size of the needle to the size of the thread, finer thread uses smaller needles and for the task at hand.  For example, use ball point needles on knits and universal or sharps for piecing and quilting or top stitch needles for quilting on your home machine.  If you are having problems with thread breaking, tension, etc., you might need to change your needle.  She had so much more information so if you weren't at this meeting you might want to contact Karen for one of her handouts.

One birthday this month with our delightful Belinda leading off the new year, and lots of door prizes.

Pretty tote Yvonne made for Belinda's birthday, sweet friendship
Belinda's cute winter quilt
Yea Prizes!!!!

Sew and Tell

A pretty quilt block card Jeanette received
Shelley's beautiful Bonnie Hunter quilt
Love log cabin quilts Yvonne

Belinda's darling farm quilt for a charity auction

Even the label has a barn, so cute

Marianne's beautiful KING size quilt

Just gorgeous

Suzanne's daughter made her a quilt for Christmas, and she was overcome, saying
"nobody ever made me a quilt before."
Teri's pretty quilt
for a grandbaby is coming along.

Becky's Bonnie Hunter Allietare Mystery Quilt;
not sure what the pickle face is about?

Trunk Show with Emily Bailey

We were so delighted to have Emily Bailey of  www.auntemsquilts.com  or http://emsscrapbag.blogspot.com/.  So much eye candy and the pattern for this quilt, Bear Scraps,  can be found in the Quiltmaker January/February 16 magazine.  Impressive!

Her grandmother's lovely heart quilt
Her rendition of the same heart quilt in modern fabrics 

Winter Trees

Love her process for 'making fabric" before she cuts

Thanks again Emily for a beautiful show!

See ya next month


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