March 2017 Meeting

Hello Quilters!

We had another great meeting this month...lots of sharing and learning from each other!  

The meeting started off with Linda generously accepting the position of Comfort Quilts Coordinator.  She will be responsible for getting all the comfort quilts we make this year to either the Syracuse Police Department or Safe Harbor (our charities).  Thanks Linda!

Next we had announcements from Sandra about Utah Quilt Guild happenings.  Here's what's going on:

1.  All quilts for the Utah Quilt Fest this year must be in red and white.  If you have any questions about this, please consult the latest issue of the Beeline from the UQG or go online to to find more information.  

2.  There will be a final show this year at the Quilt Show Barn, located at 2650 E Walker Lane (5450 S) in SLC on Saturday, August 26.  

3.  You can use your Smith's card to donate to the UQG!  Just go to and add the Utah Quilt Guild as your charity on your Smith's card.  These funds go towards putting on Quilt Fest in September.  

4.  The Blossom Quilt Show at the Bountiful Davis Arts Center will be showing until March 31.  Click here for more information.  

Our Sew and Tell this month was great!  Thanks to everyone who brought finished (or nearly finished) projects to share.  They inspire all of us!  

Kathy finished up this Comfort Quilt top (started by Stormy)

Margo whipped up another Comfort Quilt and completely finished it and handed it off to Linda to go to Safe Harbor

Another Comfort Quilt completed by Margo

Karen put together this cute top - such fun, bright colors!

An adorable Valentine's Day runner all finished!

Sandra finished up this charming sampler

And showed us this great Round Robin project all quilted and bound!

Becky showcased this fabulous antique quilt

Suzanne whipped up this fantastic sampler for her granddaughter

Carol showed us this great quilt with a great story!

Susan finished these comfort quilts

And she brought her amazing ruler for cutting curved blocks as promised last month.Thanks!  

We ended the meeting with a great demo from Margo.  She showed us how to do Stack and Whack quilts.  

We learned all about how to pick fabric for these quilts (the bigger and brighter the design the better), how to figure out repeats, and how to use a 60 degree triangle ruler to make the cuts.  She recommends the books Magic Stack and Whack and One Block Wonders Encore for more information on completing a project like hers.  

Coming up:

*Be sure to work on getting your mini-quilt done for our exchange in June!  

*Next month Kathy Porter will be coming to our meeting to teach us how to use colored pencils in our quilting!

See all of you next month!


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