November 2018

November Elections, Ornaments and News

We had a great meeting with Paula Darby showing us how to make the cutest snowflake Christmas ornaments, elections for 2019 officers, some wonderful "crazy" quilts and news to share.

We congratulate and thank the new officers stepping up to lead us in the new year.  Thank you to
      Suzanne Roach - President
      Nancy Marple - Vice
      Becky Thomason - Secretary
      Margo Faccini - Treasurer

Sandra updated the group on the doings of the Utah Quilt Guild and you can check out the website for more information.  The theme for next year's Quilt Fest is "Sew Bewitching."  There will be three contests with one using this panel available for purchase.

Sandra discussed a project making quilt blocks for Fisher House, an organization providing housing and support for families of wounded warriors.  You can make a 12 1/2" block from patriotic fabrics (Sandra has kits available for $5.)  Blocks will be displayed at quilt fest, but if you finish and turn in a block before December 30 2018, you will be entered in a drawing.

Sandra is retiring from being an area representative and said if anyone is interested in filling her spot to contact the Utah Quilt Guild or let her know.  We can't say enough thanks to Sandra for  her support and help with our guild.

Snowflake Ornaments with Paula Darby

We had so much fun making our ornaments with expert instruction from Paula.  Some of us followed instructions better than others but we ended up with some beautiful ornaments.  Thank you Paula!
Paula Darby

Susan and new member Barbara working hard
while Connie looks on

Whoops had to add an oddball because I
didn't cut correctly (still pretty)

almost finished

Crazy Quilts

Several months ago Margo demonstrated making crazy quilts and several members took her up on a challenge to making a crazy quilt. 
Margo's pretty crazy quilt set off beautifully
by the blue cornerstones.  So many fun
different fabrics.

Mardell made this cute table runner highlighting
the fabrics with the decorative stitching on
her machine.  She marveled at all the new techniques
she learned making this project.

Becky made this runner, including pieces from a
vest her mother-in-law wore, a doily she crocheted and
lots of crazy fabrics and lace.

Sandra made this shadow box in crazy quilt style including
many beautiful tools and pieces; so creative.

Sew and Tell

Our favorite part of any meeting is seeing what everyone wants to share

The back side of one of Suzanne's beautiful creations

and this is the front side

Suzanne's beautiful quilt finished from blocks she had made 

Suzanne talked about the Evergreen Fund Raiser for Safe Harbor where they sold quilts and many other crafts.  She said that as she went through the quilts she thought several looked familiar and discovered that yes, some of them were quilts made by our very own guild.  She bought several quilts and brought them in to show.
Two of the beautiful Safe Harbor Quilts

An SQG quilt made for Safe Harbor

Becky remembered making this quilt from
donated fabric to the guild

Another SQG donation with blocks by Stormy

Connie shared two of her beautiful Christmas quilts

Anita's lovely quilt made for a granddaughter.  She generously
shared the pattern for this quilt with the group.

Such a pretty sampler Linda
New member Barbara, looks like she is enjoying the meeting.  Welcome Barbara.

Great meeting!  Next month we will have a potluck and Christmas party at the Community Center, December 11 at 1:00.  Don't forget to bring a dish to share and a yard of fabric for gift exchange.  (One yard total, be it four fats, two halfs or a one yard cut.)


  1. Ah, I missed some beautiful show n tell. See everyone in December


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