January 2021

Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild Meeting

January 12, 2021

The meeting began shortly after 1:00 pm with  approximately 10 to 12 people attending.

We discussed officers for next year.
President: Becky Thomason will continue to hold this office for another year.
Vice President: Nancy Marple
Secretary: Kathy Compton
Treasurer: Pam Brunson
News & Blog: Maribeth Pearce
Fat Quarters, Birthdays: Anita Bingham

February meeting will be held on Facebook Feb. 9th at 1:00 pm. Bring Valentine Quilts or projects for Show & Tell.

Treasurers report. Syracuse Quilt Guild has $864.00 in its Checking Account and $25.00 in the Savings Account. Dues for Utah Quilt Guild  are due in March, but can be paid in Feb.or March. If you are a new member you would get two months for free.

Several people showed quilts for Show & Tell. We invited them to share finished quilts or whatever you are working on on our Facebook website, Syracuse Utah Quilters.

We talked about the 23 quilts that we collected for Christmas and gave to Sunridge Assisted Living in Layton. We will continue to collect quilts and donate next year as well. Other possible ideas for service projects are place-mats made for Meals on Wheels. We are looking into this further. This was suggested by Jeanette Rusch.

Nancy Marple is heading a Block of the Month project for those that want to participate. She will email monthly and we can do two blocks a month.

Suzanne Roach talked about the UFO's the Quilt Challenge. We will continue to do it next year. Send an email or message on Facebook to let her know how many you have finished. She will hold onto the money until we finally meet in person.

Our area Utah Quilt Guild Representative,  Marilyn Steele attended. She mentioned that she had sent an email with the minutes of the last meeting that we could refer to. Becky had forwarded this to all of us. The Quilt Fest will be held in September, 2021 at Davis Conference Center with registration in June.


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