Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild At the Layton Museum July 12, 2022  

A good turnout to the Layton Museum Quilt Show

Suzanne has a quilt in the Museum

Inside the Museum

Anita showed her Red White and Blue Courthouse Steps

Margo made a comfort quilt from a quilt where the edges were worn.

Maribeth's sweet flag quilt

Visitor Gloria showed her quilted bag.  
She teaches classes to make these at Nuttall's in Layton.

The name of Becky's patriotic runner is Fireworks Fun.

Other variations of the same block

New member Marlene showed her cute 9-patch quilt.

The Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild began in 2005. 
 Lee Duke and Joyce Sessions were the founding women.

Past guild presidents include: 
Olivia M

Mardell H
Sandy H
Susan B
Diane J
Stormy M
Jeanette S 2x
Belinda C
Nancy M
Margo F
Becky T 2x
Kathy T
There may be a couple missing and they may not be exactly in correct order.  
  If you have more information please let us know.  


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