Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild Meeting
September 12, 2023
Held at the Syracuse Community Center

The Brigham City and Springville Quilt Shows will end September 23rd

Suzanne, our Area Representative from the Utah Quilt Guild,
updated us on Quilt Fest. 

The Quilt Show will be open October 11-14, 2023 
Wed, Thurs, Fri hours are 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2:30pm.
There will be 100 quilts in the show 
and a Juki sewing machine drawing.
63 Orphan block kits will be available to finish or take home.
Nancy will be putting together a basket from our guild
for the silent auction.

We have 15 lap size comfort quilts so far to donate 
to rest homes in December.

There will be no October Meeting.  See you at Quilt Fest.

Sew and Tell

Becky showed her cute camp trailer pillowcase.

Becky made this 3 Yard Quilt to donate as a Comfort Quilt

Anita showed this baby quilt 

made for one of her many great granddaughters.

Anita sewed these cute fabric books.

Anita started in January to make 40 Christmas stockings for family members

Margo used leaders and enders for this complicated looking 
Comfort Quilt.

This bright 4-Patch quilt Margo put together will also be donated as a Comfort Quilt

Kathy shared with us  this fun baby quilt
 made for an upcoming baby.  
Jennifer quilted it with hearts and loops.

Jennifer took on the job of finishing this 
One Block Wonder quilt that was our group project.  
There will be a drawing at the end of the year.
One lucky person will take home the finished quilt.



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