Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild November 14, 2023

 November 14, 2023


President Maribeth welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced guests and new members.

It was reported that the basket donated by the Syracuse Guild to the silent auction at Quiltfest brought in $150.  Amazing and thank you to Nancy who put the basket together.

Door prizes were awarded and birthdays recognized.  The group voted to hold our Christmas Luncheon on December 12 at Chris’ Café in Clearfield.  More information will be shared prior to the luncheon.    

State Quilt Guild Announcements:  Suzanne, our Area Representative gave an update on Quilltfest, including the fact that Quilltfest has been moved up to August 20-24 due to scheduling issues in October.  More details are available online at Utah Quilt  The guilds are being asked to perhaps donate luncheon table prizes for next year.  Also reminded that the Auction baskets must include only new materials.  They also need lots of volunteers to pull off a successful fest.

The group honored Margo Faccini, a member and former President of the Guild with memories and stories of Margo.  She will be missed.

Nancy shared this beautiful quilt that Margo made for her and shared the story of their shared battle with cancer that Margo lost this year.

Sew and Tell

Maribeth showed two comfort quilts she finished.

Mardell cleaned out her storage shed and found these two beautiful antique quilt tops made by her husband's mother.

Terri learned how to make tote bags 
using the heavy plastic from storage bags

Susan's pretty four patch

Pam showed the quilt she quilted for Suzanne

Such a cute quilt based on the little Ghost Quilt
for her granddaughter

Lauri is hand quilting this lovely panel

Susan made a lovely flannel quilt from
fabric donated by Diane Jaeger

Kathy's adorable Halloween quilt

Friendship Stars made from blocks
made by guild members

Another friendship star quilt

Marilyn finished this challenge quilt where
she had to pick out two colors and a shape from a bag
and designed her quilt

Suzanne made this pretty quilt for a
granddaughter's graduation.

Nancy's raw edge applique quilt, so pretty

A Kimberbell embroidery quilt that is delicious

Becky made a tiny little basket to hang
on her peg board to hold "stuff"

A Halloween/Thanksgiving runner

Becky made this Stars and Spools quilt
at Quiltfest Retreat Room

Elections:  Elections were held and the following positions for the 2024 year are as follows:

President:  Marybeth Pierce

Vice President:  Shared by Nancy Marple and Kathy Comption

Secretary:  Becky Thomason

Treasurer: Pam Brunson

Door Prizes: Shared by Debbie and Susan

Birthdays: Shared by Lauri Nichols and Barbara Thompson

Blog:  tentative Becky Thomason and Jeanette Porter


  1. Wow! Looks like a wonderful meeting. Thanks Becky for taking photos and posting them. I'm having a wonderful time in Florida.


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