Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild Meeting 

February 13, 2024

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–Happy Valentine's Month๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Nancy and Kathie took charge of our meeting.


Dues for our Guild are $15 and are to be given to Pam

Next month is our Sew-In from 10am -3pm at the Syracuse Community Center.

We will be working on Comfort Quilts.  Bring your own fabric to make a quilt top.

Pam has batting for the quilts we make.

Pizza will be provided, bring some snacks and your own drink.

Nancy will supply cake for dessert in celebration of her 2 year mark 

since she was diagnosed with cancer.

We are so happy to have her in our Guild.

Suzanne updated us on news from the Utah State Guild.

The Quilted Beehive has Sew-Ins to make Charity Quilts 

at their shop every 2nd Monday.

Pam suggested we have a speaker come to our guild to teach

us how to quilt on on our home sewing machines.

 We welcomed Ruth who came to our Guild for the first time.

  Sew and Tell

Susan showed a couple of wool quilts she has been working on for a number of years.

Susan also showed this reversable apron.
It's one of 7 she made for Christmas.

Suzanne shared her beautiful Scrappy Heart Quilt
She used the leftover pieces on the back.
She hangs in on her porch during February.

Suzanne showed her small Valentine Quilt she made over 30 years ago.

Becky made this sweet Valentines Quilt

Nancy used 5" square blocks and 2 1/2" strips for these Comfort Quilts
Her husband quilted these on her longarm quilting machine.

This pretty Heart Table runner was also sewn by Nancy

Teri made this cute bag from a T-shirt.
She asked for suggestions on how  to  quilt her scrappy quilt.

Kathy showed this fun little Valentines gift bag.
Kathy also showed us her beautiful Christmas quilt top.
She is thinking she won't add the borders from the original pattern/kit 
so she can hang it on the wall.

Tips and Tricks

Nancy  and Kathy shared some great quilting and sewing tips and tricks.

Kathy showed us an easy way to hem jeans.
Nancy showed us how to use Hugo Amazing tape to wrap
around thread to keep it from unwinding.
We learned how to hand embroider without using a knot to start.
To keep hand sewing thread from twisting and tangling 
run the needle through a dryer sheet that is in a plastic zip bag.
Kathy showed us how to make a large and small half triangle
from the same square.
Clean the bottom of an iron using salt inside wax paper 
and iron over it until the iron plate is clean.
Tape rotary blades to cardboard before throwing them away to keep from getting cut.
Put old needles in a pill bottle before tossing them in the garbage.
Old machine needles can be used to hang quilts.
Wipe oil off a new rotary blade using a tissue 
and use a Sharpie to write the date the blade was put in the  rotary cutter.
Use a salad spinner to  wash small pieces of fabric 
and then spin it to get the water out.
A dry Magic Eraser removes sticky leftovers from adhesive iron ons
and chalk markings on fabric 
Nancy showed us the  Acorn Precision Glue Pen and kit used to hold small 
fabric pieces together before sewing.
Isacord and Guterrmann thread spools come apart 
and are a good place to store needles.
To  make sewing more comfortable use a book or two under 
the foot not using the foot pedal so both feet are even.


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