Syracuse Utah Quilt Guild Meeting June 11, 2024

We celebrated the birthday of the Syracuse Quilt Guild with a birthday party.  


We were reminded to sign up for Quilt Fest classes

and that there will be prizes for the luncheon.  

Orphan blocks may be donated and fat quarter blocks are to be turned in 

as soon as possible.

Mardell asked if there was interest to meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 10am

at the Syracuse Community Center to sew.  A number of members were interested.

There were 28 members present.

Guest Speaker

We were happy to have Lori Whitlock attend our meeting to talk about her

designs for scrap book paper/crafts, fabric and quilts for Riley Blake Designs.

She shared with us that a couple of her quilts were in white plastic bags and were 

accidently thrown in a dumpster.  Fortunately they were found and returned to her.


Some of her bright and colorful designs are for baby boys, baby  girls, florals, sports, and glamping.
The fabric is printed in Korea on 100 percent cotton.  Over the years she has designed 30
different lines with 7 prints in 3 colorways.

Lori brought some of her beautiful fabric for our members to buy at a discount.
This was a great presentation.  Thanks Lori!

Sew and Tell

Suzanne was first up showing a couple of her quilts made for Quilts of Valor.

Suzanne shared that this quilt was for her own bed.  

She wanted a Celtic design in the blue squares so

Jennifer's husband designed the Celtic design that Jennifer used when she quilted it.

Becky made this neutral colored quilt from a 10 inch  Layer Cake. 

The leftover triangles were used in the border.

Kathy showed her finished quilt that she made for her granddaughter

who is a runner.  She appliqued the pictures after the quilt was 

quilted  with running shoes by Jennifer..

Anita made these cute quilts from leftovers from a large quilt.

She is donating them for our Comfort Quilts.

This pretty quilt called Cotton Daisy was quilted a block at a time.

Kathy has made many of these flannel "I Spy" quilts to give away.

They are used and well loved.

Nancy showed her beautiful purse that she started and Suzanne finished.  
(Sorry I didn't get a good pictures of it.)

Nancy also told us about going to the Panguitch Quilt Walk.  

Janet recommended the quilt book by Jennifer Chiaverini
"The Museum of Lost Quilts"

Paula recommended the children's book "Something from Nothing"

Birthday Game

We were all asked to bring an ugly fat quarter and scissors.

We sat in a large circle, When the music started we passed our fabric to 

the right until the music stopped.  We then we told to snip 1 1/2" from the edge into 

the selvage and then tear the fabric.  Then we passed the larger fabric to the left until

the music stopped again then we were told to do another snip and tear at 3" 

and continued with 2 more 3" cuts,  a 4" cut, passing it either right or left until we ended 

up with what was left of the last fabric.   

We were asked to bring the fabric back next month in a 12 1/2" block to be 

made into a comfort quilt.  One other fabric may be added.  

We finished our Birthday Party with grapes and Rice Krispy squares.

We were each given a snap bag to take home.

What a great time we had!

Thanks to everyone who made this a fun day.


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